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Environmental Education Offer for Schools

School-High School

We usually travel to remote areas to carry out activities related to the environment, with all this entails: losing time on the trip, schedule changes, hiring transport, pollution, etc.

AIZTI offers you another way of knowing our environment. Why go far when the school or accomodation is surrounded by nature?

Thus, it will be our team who will approach your center/accomodation and help you to know and understand, in a holistic way, those natural resources that surround you.​

Photo: Amaia Fuste


  • Extend the classroom outside the walls.

  • What you have learned with our team, you will be able to continue working on it in the different subjects. We can help you with that too.

  • Strengthen respect for the immediate environment, taking advantage of the characteristics of each season of the year.

  • Train in scientific and field work.

  • We adapt to your needs: work on a specific theme, etc.

  • Limited duration: 45-60min

  • You can move on foot or by bicycle from the center to the point where the activity takes place and, incidentally, encourage physical exercise. 

  • Transportation savings. Pollution reduction.

Activities include

Environmental Scientist and educator
Teaching materials
Activities' pictures


Science workshops

  • A fun way to learn about science.

  • Educational centre surroundings

  • At the agreed place

  • Some indoor options

  • 45min - 1hour 

  • Content will be adapted to group level

  • By classroom - 10 to 25 students

  • Larger groups can take part as well ;)

Base price
(10% VAT included)

4.50€ - 8.00€
per student

*Depending on the number of students


Thematic Talks

  • We adapt to the topic you are working on

  • We show practical cases

  • 30-50min

  • Awake the investigator within them

Base price
(10%VAT included)

General Talk



Scientific Projects

  • Would you like to carry out a scientific project at your school? We can help you

  • Students have full control: idea, design, development

  • Put theory into practice. Apply the results for the benefit of your centre.

Base price

Depending on invested hours


Interpretative nature walks

If what you are really looking for is to reconnect with nature and know other secrets of Navarre and surroundings, we recommend you to come with us on a 2-3 horus guided nature walk. Learning is always fun when you live what you are teaching:

  • Geology

  • Vegetation

  • Fauna

  • Culture

  • Landscape

  • And more...

To get the full information about these guided interpretative walks, do not hesitate and contact us :)

Base price
(10% VAT included)

9.00€ - 15.00€
per student

*Depending on the number of students

How to contract our services

If you would like to contract a service with AIZTI, we think it would be interesting for you to know the steps you have to follow to do so: accept the quote, paying methods, cancellation conditions, etc. In the link bellow, you will have access to the complete document.

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